Sunday December 26
First Sunday of Christmas
Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.
The Rev. Dr. Karen Wacome, Celebrating
Everyone Welcome!
An Episcopal Ministry in Orange City, Iowa
Here is the schedule for the Quiet Day, Saturday, October 2nd. Even if you are only able to make it to part of the day, please come and rest! Try to come before the prayers, not during them. Also, let us know you are coming: ryanpendell@hotmail.com. Students have the option of sleeping at the church Friday and Saturday nights.
Quiet Day Schedule
9:00 Compline (Optional)
Students may stay overnight at the church.
9:00 Holy Eucharist, followed by a continental breakfast
10:00 Quiet Work Time
12:00 Noon Prayer, followed by lunch
The afternoon is open for prayer, rest.
3:00 Intro to Anglican Prayer Beads small group (optional)
5:00 Evening prayer, followed by supper
6:15 Screening of Into Great Silence
8:15 Compline
9:00 Optional Bonfire at the Church
Fee for whole retreat is $15, Students $8.00. Stipends are available if you cannot pay.