Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 29, 2020

Morning Prayer March 22 & 29
This service will be found on the diocesan Facebook page, the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be available on the diocesan website. Call-in option for members who only have access to phones (participants on the phone will NOT be able to be heard but will be able to hear the service): 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID as prompted: 365 765 527#

March 29 - streamed from the chapel at the diocesan office 10:00am
Holy Week and Easter
Visit for ideas and resources for individuals, families, and churches to keep Holy Week at homes across the state.
ALL of these services will be found on the diocesan Facebook page the diocesan You Tube Channel, and will be available on the Diocesan Website
April 5 Palm Sunday - streamed from St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Des Moines 10:00am

April 6 Monday Chrism Mass - streamed from St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Des Moines 11:00am

April 7 Tuesday Morning Prayer - offered by the Rev. Tom Early (St. Alban’s, Spirit Lake) 8:30am

April 8 Wednesday Tenebrae service - offered by the Rev. Stephen Benitz and the people of St. John’s, Mason City 7:00pm

April 9 Maundy Thursday - offered by the Rev. Stephanie Moncrieff and the people of Trinity, Waterloo. 7:00pm

April 10 Good Friday - offered by the Rev. Kevin Goodrich and the people of St. John’s, Dubuque. 7:00pm

April 11 Easter Vigil - streamed from Trinity, Iowa City 8:00pm

April 12 Easter Sunday - streamed from Trinity Cathedral, Davenport 10:30am

Friday, March 20, 2020

Click here for information on our

Marc Chagall, Calvary

Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 15, 2020

A Message from Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa:

As COVID-19 spreads, and there are ever new cancellations and closures, both locally and nationally, we need to consider how our collective behavior as people of faith can best assist the efforts to slow down its impact and protect our neighbors. What does it mean to be faithful at an unprecedented time like this? I believe that we show God’s love to our neighbor in these circumstances by keeping each other as safe as we can, and by practicing good social distancing. This requires us not to gather in public worship for this crucial period of time as we seek to do what we can to help even out the expected contagion (what is being called “flattening the curve”).

We will suspend in-person public worship after this weekend for at least the next two weeks. Resources for worshipping in our homes is being provided below, and other ideas to deepen our Lenten practices. I will lead online worship for the diocese on March 22nd and March 29th (more details to come). We will re-assess where we are as we approach Holy Week. Some of you, I know, have decided not to worship in-person beginning this weekend, and I would encourage you to join in the streamed online worship from the National Cathedral on Sunday at which the Presiding Bishop is preaching.


Because of the Church of the Savior's small space, in which worshippers are in close proximity to one another, we are advised not to meet this Sunday. We are invited to watch Presiding Bishop Michael Curry celebrate Holy Communion at the National Cathedral this week at 10:00 a.m. Here's the link:National Cathedral 10:00

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 8, 2020

Second Sunday in Lent

Holy Communion 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Dr. Karen Wacome, Celebrating

Dr. Mike Kugler, Lay Reader

Everyone Welcome!

Wednesday, March 11: 

Lenten Supper Discussion 6:00 p.m.