Friday, March 11, 2011

20 March 2011

Second Sunday in Lent

Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.

Rev. Dr. Karen Wacome, Celebrating

Everyone Welcome!


Mike Avery said...

Hi Karen & Don, I have no idea how to blog, but here's a try.

I think all the time about you guys. The best part of my time in OC was finding COS, and the great community of believers/philosophical realists or idealists...whatver. My church experience now is pretty much back to normal, but St. Barnabus is a caring and Christ-filled environment. Our Vicar is retiring, so I keep thinking, "what about an experience that encourags questions and discussion?"

Obviously, I'm still kicking. I've had several small "abnormalities" identified in scans in the past years, but am now cancer-free. If you ever know of a cancr situation that is localized, and a candidate for "cyber knife" technology, it has proven to immediately stop my cancer, with minimal augmentation of treatment, on three occasions. So, it works!!!

I have lost no work time, so am having a good experience...tenured last year and now lead 7 ft and 6-8 adjuncts. I've also had the opportunity to facilitate an exchang agreement with an institution in Denmark, so am able to keep my hand in international stuff. I must say that I don't favor on-line teaching, but that is where the broader market is.

I really hope that NWC is being able to broaden its niche, as I have real concern about Christian liberal arts colleges. I know there is much pressure, and pray that God will endow wisdom on the admin leadership.

I hope to be in OC during the first part of July, and hope to be able to see you. Please give my best good wishes to all on Sunday!

Mike Avery

Anonymous said...